Category Archives: Humidity

Don’t suffer during the dry months. Here’s how to put the moisture back into your home, and your body:

During these dry months of winter consider using a humidifier. Running a humidifier in your home/office will add moisture to dry, heated air. The moistened air will help keep your skin, mouth, and nose hydrated, and helps prevent those nasty static shocks. Ideally, aim for a comfortable winter humidity level of between 30% and 50%. …

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A little humidity is fine, but too much can be destructive

A de-humidifier is an effective method to reduce high levels of humidity in the air, usually for health reasons.  High humidity levels can become a breeding ground causing mold and mildew to grow inside homes, which presents various health risks.  For optimum air quality, Indoor Relative Humidity should always be maintained between 40% and 60% …

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